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TBE members have access to a member directory and, upon creating a login, have the ability to change what is shown. The member directory will be organized by member households and will include the following information by default:
- Adult Name(s) - Adult Preferred Name(s) - Address - Home Phone (if applicable) - Adult Mobile Number(s) - Adult Occupation(s) - Adult Birthday(s) (Month and Day, not Year) - Adult Email Address(es) - Children’s Name(s) (if applicable) - Children’s Preferred Names (if applicable)
After submitting this form, you will officially be a Temple Beth El member! Welcome! One of our members will be reaching out to you to welcome you to the community. Additionally, Rabbi Estrin and staff members would love to set up a time to get to know you, learn about your specific interests, etc. We'd also like the opportunity to give you a brief orientation to our programs, building, service, and leadership. We prefer to conduct this follow up in person, by phone, or video call, but if that is a problem for any reason it can also be done by email.
We will contact you to propose a couple of meeting time options.